Propaganda from Victor Davis Hanson

Victor David Hanson recently wrote a column purporting to answer the question “Why Do Societies Give Up?” (See original here) His answer in the end is “History has shown that a government’s redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector’s creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy.”

Unfortunately for his readers, Hanson gives no evidence in support of his conclusion. This is, first of all, because there is obviously no way to answer such a question in 15 short paragraphs and provide any amount of convincing evidence. His little column is just a pretentious masquerade hiding conservative propaganda. And, interestingly enough, the little bits of historic information he gives, contradict his conclusion.

Much of his column is a quick parade of fallen empires, civilizations, and countries. He notes that many causes have been presented for their downfall:  inflation, depleted resources, invasions, excessive spending, squabbling over fewer resources, “bread and circuses,” corruption, bloated bureaucracy, nationalization of industries, top-heavy government, and so on. Of these choices, Hanson’s conclusion seems to most closely fit the “squabbling over fewer resources” one, since he also earlier talked about “bicker[ing] over entitlement spoils” but he gives no reasons to believe this is the cause rather than the others he listed or others that you or I could think of.

If anything, Hanson contradicts himself. He also said that “By any historical marker, the future of Americans has never been brighter” and that we have more material goods than ever. If that is so, what does he mean by “shrinking wealth”? When he mentions “government’s redistribution of shrinking wealth” he no doubt, as a well-known conservative, means to criticize progressive social programs. But numerous studies have shown that the redistribution of wealth in the last 30 years has been to the elite. Their income and wealth have grown significantly while the income and wealth of the middle and lower classes have stagnated or fallen.

Hanson demonstrates the propaganda technique of a seemingly knowledgeable and authoritative coverage of a complex topic. As mere propaganda, it falls apart quickly on close examination. Hanson’s column is so cursory that it’s insulting to anyone with a regard for facts or evidence. It’s just an excuse to blame liberal policies for an alleged decline of America.

So he notes the horror of our “unsustainable debt” by throwing around the “T” word. Of course, if you look at the facts about our national debt and recent annual deficits, you would not be filled with horror or fear that America is going to implode because of it. You would be filled with anger that the corrupt politicians and the equally corrupt financial sector of this country have worked together to cut taxes on the rich and waste money on unnecessary wars, while doing little to counteract one of the biggest causes of our financial woes, health care.

Climate and Global Warming

This is first of what I hope to be many posts on the science of anthropogenic global warming. This first post will simply be a summary of the basic science with no attempts to prove any points exhaustively or to cite detailed studies. From this initial summary, I then plan to branch off into smaller topics, and from each of those to branch off into even smaller topics, and so on. As I create the smaller topics, links to them will magically appear in this post.

One of my goals in describing this science is to clarify it for myself. The skeptics and outright denialists, as poor as their arguments and their attempts at science are, still make me want to know for sure which side to believe in. It’s not acceptable for me to blindly follow the majority of scientists. Instead, I want to develop my own understanding so I can judge whether the scientists are trustworthy. Nobody has the time to learn and understand in depth all of the disciplines involved in climate science, such as physics, astronomy, statistics, oceanography, atmospheric science, biology, and chemistry. What every person must do is learn enough to separate the frauds from the real scientists.

So here’s the quick summary:

Our planet’s surface temperatures are within a viable range for humans and and millions of other species, but the climate is also subject to various forces that cause regular fluctuations in the temperature. The basic livable temperatures are thanks to the makeup and depth of our atmosphere, and thanks to not being too far or too near the sun. Due to slight changes in the earth’s orbit and the earth’s tilt, for at least the last 2.5 million years the earth has experienced significant but remarkably regular temperature fluctuations, going back and forth between ice ages and interglacial periods.

Into this scenario, humans have contributed additional CO2 to the atmosphere, especially starting in the nineteenth century with the Industrial Revolution. This has resulted in an increase in the CO2 concentration in the last 150 years from about 280 ppm to about 390 ppm. In those same 150 years, the average global temperature has shown an overall upward trend. Because of the known properties of CO2 as a greenhouse gas, one has strong reason to be suspicious that the CO2 increase is driving the observed warming.

But the situation is more complicated and also more alarming. Because the warming has resulted in a reduction in ice in the Artic, the albedo effect of snow and ice has been reduced, thus allowing more warmth to be absorbed at the surface. There is then the strong possibility that temperatures will increase by more than what one would calculate if only considering an increase in CO2. There are other feedback effects to consider as well (that is, events caused by the warming that in turn may lead to either less or more warming), such as methane released by melting of permafrost. Unfortunately for those who would prefer a more stable climate, the feedbacks point more often toward even higher temperatures and a host of serious problems for humans and the other inhabitants of this planet.

About This Blog

Theodore Roethke’s “The Far Field” has long been a favorite of mine. As with others of his nature poems, he combines clear detail with notes of transcendence. I may never feel at one with any of the creatures or scenes that he does, but I can’t help longing for something beyond the surface of nature and everyday life, yearning for those moments when “finite things reveal infinitude”. Traditional religion is stale and often bigoted and ignorant. Its modern manifestations have degraded into feel good self-help sessions or, even worse, fundamentalist idiocy.

Each of us is left to learn and discover on our own. That is our life and our own far field where we learn of eternity. Hence the name of this blog: it is my own attempts to write down and pass on from what I have learned in the “far field.”

Learning is a good thing, but at some point it becomes a pointless taking into oneself unless it is balanced by giving back in whatever way you can some fruits of one’s experience. This blog is one way I hope to give back.

To those rare readers who come upon my posts, do not expect new ones frequently. A few in a month will be a prodigious output. I expect most of my writing will be on science (especially climate science and evolution), and politics (there is always someone handy to skewer there), but of course I can write on whatever I want.

If my post is about the writings of another person, I will often be examining how that person constructed the argument. With politicians and other political writers, just looking at the rhetoric is enough to show how sincere or deceptive the writer is, without needing to double-check every claim the writer made.